I discovered during the past two years that I love new projects and all the research involved in them. While some projects work and some may not, I have also decided that life is too short and it’s best to have a go! That being said I introduce to you Etsy & Crafters Market – A New Adventure.
I will start with my newest Etsy Store. I opened my first Etsy store for Personalised Gifts in June 2021 and loved working on it. In December 2021 I opened my second Etsy Store – my intention was to stock a range of Home and Gifts. I started with these and as time progressed and still being a crafter at heart, I decided to add a craft supplies section. With my brain constantly working over time, I then thought what about Craft Kits. These are perfect to purchase for yourself and make an ideal gift. I, of course, still love papercraft products so I have included craft dies, papers, journal stickers etc but I also found the most amazing range of Craft Kits created and handmade by very talented crafters. My craft supplies are spread over all of my stores so what you may find on one, may not be on another although the majority can be found here on my website shop.
Etsy: CraftsEtcHomeandGifts – Homeware, Gifts and Craft Supplies
Brands include:
Feather Felts
Bergin & Bath
Starshine Designs by Julie Harris
Hello Kim
Penpaling Paula
The Crafty Kit Company
plus many more coming soon.
Crafters Market
Around two weeks ago I was on the search for another project and another outlet for all of my crafting goodies and came across Crafters.Market. It is UK based and it looked fantastic. I reached out to ask if I was able to sell craft supplies and within less than half an hour they got back to me and said Yes.
I couldn’t wait to get started and two weeks on, I have upgraded my membership and my store is growing daily. It is taking me a little while to get everything added but I will get there. I have to say, I am loving this website and am excited to introduce it to you … Crafters.Market – https://crafters.market/shop/crafts-etc/
eBay and Personalised Gift Etsy
I couldn’t finish this blog post without mentioning my first love eBay. I still work on it daily and continue to source and add new items. At the moment, I am trying to streamline it a little as my stock room will only hold so much … difficult when you love shopping! eBay Store
My Personalised Etsy is continuing to grow and I try to add new products every week, today I added a new range of colourful and bright Teacher Gifts. Etsy – CraftsEtcUK

Thank you
As I finish my blog post today I would like to thank everyone who has read this far and also to all who continue to support me and my business. As well as being my business, it is also a passion and on many days it is what keeps me going when life gets a little tough. So, thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
I wish you all a Wonderful evening and I will be back soon.
Heather x