Good afternoon, I hope you are all having a fantastic day …
I had a little bit of a road trip planned for today but with the weather being so dull and muggy I decided that perhaps coffee with my Mum and a relaxing day at home was a much better idea. My Mum makes a rather lovely cup of milky coffee and I had homemade oatmeal cookies – I think I may be a little spoilt. I was home again around lunch time and am having a lovely afternoon listing all my bits and pieces on eBay. Today’s music is a collection from my own playlist so it could be anything from a romantic slow song to dance music in the space of 4 minutes (it keeps me on my toes).
For those of you who may know me, I love sunflowers so as I was about to list this mug in my store I decided I just had to show it to you. It is one of my most favourite mugs at the moment and believe me I would love to keep it but I have a lot (and I mean a lot) of mugs so it is now in my eBay Store.
Sunflowers just make me smile and brighten my day – no matter the day, no matter the weather or how bad a day I may be having, they make me smile and just seem to add a little sunshine to my life. Also at this very difficult time in the world I believe it is very important to try to find things, no matter how small that keep you going, that get you up in the morning and make you smile as you go through the day – hence the title.
I hope you all love the mug and that something today will make you smile. I am going to make a cuppa, listen to some more music while I work and then just relax. Wishing you all a wonderful afternoon, evening.
Take care, Heather x