Good afternoon everyone, I hope you are having a Wonderful Wednesday.
I am having a very productive day today which is always good!
I have my parcels packed and delivered to the post office.
I also have my photographs taken and am working on them and the eBay listings to go with them.
I managed a short bargain hunt and am now sitting with a cuppa and Travis – music that just makes me want to work.
I tidied the kitchen too which is a task in itself! Lol … how can one woman use so many mugs!!!
The Spider 🙁
I had a run in with a rather large spider this morning and although I am not scared of them, it did make me jump. I took a towel off the clothes horse to hang on the line and unknowingly evicted the spider from somewhere upstairs. Thankfully it is now outside and not on it’s way to my bedroom … I do however imagine it will make it’s way inside again. I hope though that it finds a place to hide and does not surprise me!!!

eBay 🙂
I am always drawn to mugs and tableware when I am bargain hunting for stock but I decided a few weeks ago to do my best to find other bits and pieces. I am now being drawn to cuddly toys (another major love of mine).
I have found a Disney Store Christmas Pooh Bear from 2008, Boyd’s Bears (I used to collect these) and a Jellycat Bear. My favourites however have to be the Littlest Pet Shop Puppy Dog and Nemo from Finding Nemo and Finding Dora. I loved the Finding Nemo film, one of my all time favourite animated movies. These are all now listed in My eBay store (apart from the Jellycat Bear which is yet to be photographed).

I still of course love my tableware, cups and mugs so there will be more … I just can’t resist them, lol.
On that note I must go and finish editing my photographs. The afternoon seems to go very fast (not a complaint!), it is always great to have lots of work to keep me occupied.
I will take a break first though to give my eyes a rest from the computer screen and give Poppy a cuddle. (Poppy is my adorable 12 year old “puppy”) who keeps me on my toes.
I hope you all have the most amazing afternoon, evening and rest of week.
I will be back soon.
Bye for now,
Take care, Heather