Hi everyone, it seems like forever since I last wrote a blog post, I have to say I never actually seem to have 5 spare minutes these days – this is not a complaint though as I am really enjoying things at the minute.

I always plan to write more regularly and update you all on my new stock but I have had quite a lot recently and by the time I have it organised for eBay there is not a lot of time left.

However today I am having a day where I am taking time to do all the little things I have been planning to do for ages and I thought I would write a blog post about what my typical eBay day is like … most people film vlogs but I am a little behind the times so a blog will have to do for now … maybe in the future when I don’t mind being in front of a camera.


My day usually starts anywhere between 6.20am and 7am when Poppy decides its breakfast time although I usually sneak back into bed until after 8am when I feel more ready to start the day … I love my work but I think starting every day at 7am is just a little over enthusiastic.

My day officially starts with a cup of tea, I most certainly could not start the day without tea … a strong cup at that!

I try not to lift my phone until I am starting work, more or less to give myself a little me and Poppy time but also so I don’t get distracted before I am ready for the day ahead. I am always a little excited when I lift my phone to see what has sold during the night … a fun start to the day for me!

Then it is sending offers to buyers, I enjoy this too as it almost always leads to a sale or two throughout the day. I like to spend about an hour or so now organising draft listings, I can always think and focus better in the morning and find them easier to do then.

Packing Parcels:

Now the major part of the morning begins – Packing my parcels. I sell mostly breakable items so I am usually up to my eyes in bubblewrap and boxes during this time – some would say I get a little over excited about the amount of bubblewrap I use but I really do want all my items to get to their new homes in one piece and survive the odd bash along the way.

I start and stop every now and then through my several hours of packaging to tend to my adorable Poppy who endlessly wants a biscuit or two, answer the door to the post man who very kindly delivers my never ending bales of bubble wrap and lots of little parcels full of stock for eBay and of course to have more tea!

There are not the same amount of parcels to package every day so my mornings and days can vary a little.

Mornings are my favourite and most productive part of the day and lunch time always seems to come way too quickly.

Late Morning and Early Afternoon:

The next job either just before or just after lunch before the light goes down is to take some photographs. I use my phone for these and they don’t usually take too long – although finding 5 – 7 angles of an item can sometimes be quite the job. I leave editing these until later and head out to the post office. I really do enjoy this part of the day as I normally plan in a little bargain hunt and it is a very rare day indeed when I don’t come home with a bag or two of goodies. To see all of the treasures that I pick up please do feel free to pop over to my eBay store.

On returning home and giving Poppy more biscuits and several cuddles its now time to edit my photographs and add them to the draft listings and schedule them – I aim to be 3 or 4 days ahead of myself and aim for 10 or more listings a day. I either listen to lots of inspirational videos while I am doing this or music. I love my music and both really keep me motivated and happy while I work. This usually takes me until around 6pm and then its time for dinner… I do however wash and clean all the goodies I have brought home with me earlier or that have arrived in the post while I am making dinner. I so enjoy going through everything. I do work a little after dinner too but I don’t think I will write any more about my day as I really do think you have got the idea of what a day in the life of this eBay reseller is like.

Some days are exactly like this, others I shop more and others I spend all day listing and tidying stock but every day for me is fun and enjoyable and that is the main thing. I get to work from home and shop for a living – Bliss!! Anyhow I hope you are all having an absolutely fabulous Saturday, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me, I will always do my best to help.

Bye for now,

Take care, Heather

Ebay Store

Etsy Store

Email: heather@crafstetconline.com